Title: | Toolkit Implementation of gWidgets2 for tcltk |
Description: | Port of the 'gWidgets2' API for the 'tcltk' package. |
Authors: | John Verzani |
Maintainer: | John Verzani <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.0-6 |
Built: | 2025-02-18 05:11:31 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/jverzani/gwidgets2tcltk |
The gWidgets2 package provides a programming interface for making graphical user interfaces within R. The package is a rewrite of the gWidgets package, introducing a few external changes but a significant number of internal ones. The package relies on one of several underlying toolkit packages providing access to the graphical libraries. This package provides the implementation to interface with the underlying tcltk package.
Drag and drop in tcltk is not supported by any underlying toolkit functionality. As such, in gWidgets2tcltk we roll our own. The result is a little limited: a) you can't drop values from other applications b) drop targets aren't allowed to be picky about what they receive (not by mime-type anyways).
GComponent is a parent class for both GContainer and GWidget and inherits its primary interface from gWidgets2::BasicToolkitInterface.
The GDf
class provides a means to edit a data frame. We
use the add on TK code provided by tablelist as the underlying
The main reference methods GTimer
are start_timer
and stop_timer
... |
passed to constructor |
To implement drag and drop, we bind to the toplevel window the events: button1, motion and button1 release. The binding occurs not to to widget, but to the toplevel window containing the widget. This has some advantages, most imporantly it is unlikely the binding will be overwritten by usual gWidgets2tcltk programs. (Recall tkbind will only allow one binding per widget per signal).
The gWidgets2 way of doing drag and drop is implemented here. You
add a drop source with a handler that returns the value of what
you want to pass via the dnd process. Then you specify a widget as
a drop target and give a handler. This handler receives the data
through the dropdata
component of the "h
argument. Here, the value is generated when the drop occurs, not
when the drag initiates. Not sure this makes any difference, but
it might.
Simply click on a row and the editor pops up as a modal dialog. The shortcut Shift+Enter will go onto the next case, saving changes provided the auto save featuer is employed.
There is no undo/redo support here. There is no support for editing rownames (just lazy at the moment, holler if you would like that). No support to change the dimensions of the data frame or edit factors, ...
Are we watching for a drag?
add_drag_motion(handler, action = NULL, ...)
Called when motion over widget occurs
add_to_parent(parent, child, expand = NULL, fill = NULL, anchor = NULL,
Add a child to parent if it is ia container and non null. Dispatches to add_child method of parent
Return surround block
is widget sensistive to user input
get_index(drop = NULL, ...)
svalue; index=TRUE
Return tk ID
return id of toplevel
get_value(drop = NULL, ...)
Get main value of widget. From 'svalue' when index = FALSE or NULL
Return widget (not block)
Is widget older style widget
Is widget new style widget?. Override in subclass if not
set_enabled(value, ...)
specify with logical if widget is sensistive to user input
set_size(value, ...)
Set widget size (size request), value=c(width=-1, height=-1)
set_value(value, ..., drop = NULL)
for 'svalue<-' when index = FALSE or NULL
add is just add_child
Update parent property of child and children property of parent container
Return widget (not block)
connect_to_toolkit_signal(signal, decorator, emitter = handler_widget(), ...)
Connect signal of toolkit to notify observer
Remove border by setting relief to none
Get length of object. Needed for sapply.
save_data(nm, where)
Save data set
Set the interval. Need to stop and start active timer to implement.
Start the timer
stop the timer
John Verzani [email protected]
Maintainer: John Verzani [email protected]
toolkit implementation for gmessage
toolkit implementation for gconfirm
toolkit implmentation of ginput
toolkit implementation
toolkit implementation of galert
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit XXX constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit gedit constructor
toolkit constructor
Toolkit implementation
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
toolkit constructor for ggroup
gframe constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit label constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit XXX constructor
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
toolkit implementation of gtext
S3 method for gtimer
Toolkit constructor
Toolkit constructor
toolkit constructor for gwindow
add stock icons
Returns list of stock ids
return stock id
return stock id from object
## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gmessage(toolkit, msg, title = "message", icon = c("info", "warning", "error", "question"), parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gconfirm(toolkit, msg, title = "Confirm", icon = c("info", "warning", "error", "question"), parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .ginput(toolkit, msg, text = "", title = "Input", icon = c("info", "warning", "error", "question"), parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gbasicdialog(toolkit, title = "Dialog", parent = NULL, do.buttons = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .galert(toolkit, msg, title = "message", delay = 3, parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gmenu(toolkit, menu.list = list(), popup = FALSE, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gaction(toolkit, label, tooltip = NULL, icon = NULL, key.accel = NULL, handler = NULL, action = NULL, parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gbutton(toolkit, text, handler, action, container, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gcalendar(toolkit, text = "", format = "%Y-%m-%d", handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gcheckbox(toolkit, text, checked = FALSE, use.togglebutton = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gtable(toolkit, items, multiple = FALSE, chosen.col = 1, icon.col = NULL, tooltip.col = NULL, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gcheckboxgroup(toolkit=NULL, items, checked = FALSE,horizontal = FALSE, use.table = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gcombobox(toolkit, items, selected = 1, editable = FALSE, coerce.with = NULL, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gdf(toolkit, items = NULL, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gedit(toolkit, text = "", width = 25, coerce.with = NULL, initial.msg = initial.msg, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gexpandgroup(toolkit, text, markup, horizontal = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gfile(toolkit, text = "", type = c("open", "save", "selectdir"), initial.filename = NULL, initial.dir = getwd(), filter = list(), multi = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gfilebrowse(toolkit, text = "", type = c("open", "save", "selectdir"), initial.filename = NULL, initial.dir = getwd(), filter = list(), quote = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gformlayout(toolkit, align = "left", spacing = 5, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .ggroup(toolkit, horizontal = TRUE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gframe(toolkit, text, markup, pos, horizontal = TRUE, spacing = 5, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gimage(toolkit, filename = "", dirname = "", stock.id = NULL, size = "", handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .glabel(toolkit, text = "", markup = FALSE, editable = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .glayout(toolkit, homogeneous = FALSE, spacing = 10, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gnotebook(toolkit, tab.pos = 3, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gpanedgroup(toolkit, horizontal = TRUE, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gprogressbar(toolkit, value, container, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gradio(toolkit, items, selected = 1, horizontal = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gseparator(toolkit, horizontal = TRUE, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gslider(toolkit, from = 0, to = 100, by = 1, value = from, horizontal = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gspinbutton(toolkit, from = 0, to = 10, by = 1, value = from, digits = 0, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gstackwidget(toolkit, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gstatusbar(toolkit, text = "", container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gtext(toolkit, text = NULL, width = NULL, height = 300, font.attr = NULL, wrap = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gtimer(toolkit, ms, FUN, data = NULL, one.shot = FALSE, start = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gtree(toolkit, offspring = NULL, offspring.data = NULL, chosen.col = 1, offspring.col = 2, icon.col = NULL, tooltip.col = NULL, multiple = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gvarbrowser(toolkit, handler = NULL, action = "summary", container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gwindow(toolkit, title, visible = visible, name, width, height, parent, handler, action, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .addStockIcons(toolkit, iconNames, iconFiles, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .getStockIcons(toolkit, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .getStockIconByName(toolkit,name, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .stockIconFromObject(toolkit,obj, ...)
## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gmessage(toolkit, msg, title = "message", icon = c("info", "warning", "error", "question"), parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gconfirm(toolkit, msg, title = "Confirm", icon = c("info", "warning", "error", "question"), parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .ginput(toolkit, msg, text = "", title = "Input", icon = c("info", "warning", "error", "question"), parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gbasicdialog(toolkit, title = "Dialog", parent = NULL, do.buttons = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .galert(toolkit, msg, title = "message", delay = 3, parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gmenu(toolkit, menu.list = list(), popup = FALSE, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gaction(toolkit, label, tooltip = NULL, icon = NULL, key.accel = NULL, handler = NULL, action = NULL, parent = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gbutton(toolkit, text, handler, action, container, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gcalendar(toolkit, text = "", format = "%Y-%m-%d", handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gcheckbox(toolkit, text, checked = FALSE, use.togglebutton = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gtable(toolkit, items, multiple = FALSE, chosen.col = 1, icon.col = NULL, tooltip.col = NULL, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gcheckboxgroup(toolkit=NULL, items, checked = FALSE,horizontal = FALSE, use.table = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gcombobox(toolkit, items, selected = 1, editable = FALSE, coerce.with = NULL, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gdf(toolkit, items = NULL, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gedit(toolkit, text = "", width = 25, coerce.with = NULL, initial.msg = initial.msg, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gexpandgroup(toolkit, text, markup, horizontal = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gfile(toolkit, text = "", type = c("open", "save", "selectdir"), initial.filename = NULL, initial.dir = getwd(), filter = list(), multi = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gfilebrowse(toolkit, text = "", type = c("open", "save", "selectdir"), initial.filename = NULL, initial.dir = getwd(), filter = list(), quote = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gformlayout(toolkit, align = "left", spacing = 5, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .ggroup(toolkit, horizontal = TRUE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gframe(toolkit, text, markup, pos, horizontal = TRUE, spacing = 5, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gimage(toolkit, filename = "", dirname = "", stock.id = NULL, size = "", handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .glabel(toolkit, text = "", markup = FALSE, editable = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .glayout(toolkit, homogeneous = FALSE, spacing = 10, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gnotebook(toolkit, tab.pos = 3, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gpanedgroup(toolkit, horizontal = TRUE, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gprogressbar(toolkit, value, container, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gradio(toolkit, items, selected = 1, horizontal = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gseparator(toolkit, horizontal = TRUE, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gslider(toolkit, from = 0, to = 100, by = 1, value = from, horizontal = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gspinbutton(toolkit, from = 0, to = 10, by = 1, value = from, digits = 0, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gstackwidget(toolkit, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gstatusbar(toolkit, text = "", container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gtext(toolkit, text = NULL, width = NULL, height = 300, font.attr = NULL, wrap = TRUE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gtimer(toolkit, ms, FUN, data = NULL, one.shot = FALSE, start = TRUE) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gtree(toolkit, offspring = NULL, offspring.data = NULL, chosen.col = 1, offspring.col = 2, icon.col = NULL, tooltip.col = NULL, multiple = FALSE, handler = NULL, action = NULL, container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gvarbrowser(toolkit, handler = NULL, action = "summary", container = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .gwindow(toolkit, title, visible = visible, name, width, height, parent, handler, action, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .addStockIcons(toolkit, iconNames, iconFiles, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .getStockIcons(toolkit, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .getStockIconByName(toolkit,name, ...) ## S3 method for class 'guiWidgetsToolkittcltk' .stockIconFromObject(toolkit,obj, ...)
toolkit |
toolkit |
msg |
Character. message to display. |
title |
Character. Title |
icon |
What icon to show |
parent |
Hint as to where to display |
... |
ignored |
text |
Character. Initial text |
do.buttons |
FALSE to suppress buttons when no parent |
handler |
handler called when |
action |
passed to handler for OK button |
delay |
delay |
menu.list |
A list defining the menu structure. Named sub
lists determine the submenu titles and structure. The list may
have components of class: |
popup |
logical. If true, make a popup window to be added through a handler call |
container |
A parent container. When a widget is created it can be incorporated into the widget heirarchy by passing in a parent container at construction time. (For some toolkits this is not optional, e.g. gWidgets2tcltk or gWidgets2WWW2.) |
label |
label for action |
tooltip |
toolktip for actin |
key.accel |
keyboard accelerator. If given, parent must be specified. |
format |
Date format |
checked |
is button selected |
use.togglebutton |
Use a toggle button (shows depressed) not a check box |
items |
data.frame specifies items for selection. May be a vector, matrix or data frame |
multiple |
logical allow multiple selection |
chosen.col |
which value from the row is returned by selection |
icon.col |
NULL or integer. If latter, specifies column containing stock icon |
tooltip.col |
NULL or integer. If latter, specifies column containing tooltip |
horizontal |
logical. If true displayed horizontally, else vertically |
use.table |
logical. If supported, and |
selected |
integer. Which item (by index) is selected. Use -1 for no selection |
editable |
logical. Is user allowed to edit value |
coerce.with |
A function of function name to be called before
selected value is returned by |
width |
width of widget |
initial.msg |
initial.msg |
markup |
does label use markup (toolkit specific) |
type |
type of browser: to open a file, to save a file or to select a directory |
initial.filename |
Suggested file name |
initial.dir |
initial directory. If a filename is given, and is not an absolute name, this will be prepended. If filename given initial directory will be taken from that. |
filter |
A filter specifiation. This can be a named character vector of file extensions or something toolkit specific. Here are some examples:
multi |
Logical. Allow multiple files to be selected? |
quote |
quote output |
align |
alignment of label. Left justify or center balance. Leave as "default" for underlying toolkit default. |
spacing |
spacing between columns |
use.scrollwindow |
logical. Either |
pos |
position of label: 0=left, 1=right, some toolkit allow values in between |
filename |
basename of file |
dirname |
dirname of file |
stock.id |
stock id of icon (if non NULL) |
size |
size of icon when a stock id (toolkit dependent) |
homogeneous |
are cells all the same size |
tab.pos |
integer. Position of tabs, 1 on bottom, 2 left, 3 top, 4 right. (If supported) |
value |
a list or menu bar specifying the new men ubar |
from |
If a number of length one then a starting point, in
which case to, by are passed to |
to |
ending point when from is starting point |
by |
step size if not specified by |
digits |
digits |
height |
height of widget (when width is specified) |
font.attr |
font attributes for text buffer. One can also specify font attributes for insertion. The font attributes are specified with a list with named components, with names and values coming from:
wrap |
logical do lines wrap |
ms |
interval in milliseconds |
FUnction to call. Has one argument, data passed in |
data |
passed to function |
one.shot |
logical. If TRUE, called just once, else repeats |
start |
logical. If FALSE, started by |
offspring |
function. A function passed values |
offspring.data |
Passed to second argument of |
offspring.col |
integer or column name. Points to column containing logical values indicating if a row has offspring. |
visible |
logical. If codeTRUE window is drawn when
constructed. Otherwise, window can be drawn later using
name |
name of icon |
iconNames |
names of icons |
iconFiles |
path of icons |
obj |
obj to get icon from |
The documentation for this is found at gbutton
The documentation for this is found at gprogressbar
GComponentObservable adds the observable interface
... |
passed to constructor |
show the word list
str |
a string. If missing do nothing, otherwise match against string to generate word list. Popup menu depending on length |
Add bindings to the entry box
Clear error message
clear out init text, set back to black
Find match in word list
make_styles(bg = "#ff6622")
Create tcl styles, cf http://paste.tclers.tk/506
Add error state and message to widget
set initial text, gray out
set_invalid(value, msg)
Set widget as invalid or not
Set a function to do the validation
Return logical indicating if input is valid
method for getWidget defined in gWidgets2
## S3 method for class 'tkwin' getWidget(obj)
## S3 method for class 'tkwin' getWidget(obj)
obj |
object |
The GMenuBar
class provides functionality for a
top-level menubar. In tlctk the menubars can show
either gaction
items (proxied as buttons),
items or gcheckbox
items. In the
latter two cases, one uses the parent
argument –
not the container
argument – to specify the
parent container. Such items can also be shared with
... |
passed to constructor |
## Not run: w <- gwindow("having fun?") sb <- gstatusbar("Your message here...", cont=w) g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE) f <- function(h,...) message(h$obj$get_value()) l <- list(file=gaction("file", handler=function(h,...) print("file"), key.accel="<Control-x><Control-s>", parent=w), ok=gaction("ok", icon="ok", handler=function(h,...) print("ok")), radio=list( rb=gradio(state.name[1:3], parent=w, handler=function(h,...) print(h$obj$get_value())) ) sep=gseparator(vertical=TRUE), ,cb=gcheckbox("really", parent=w, handler=function(h,...) print(h$obj$get_value())) ) mlist <- list(File=l) mb <- gmenu(mlist, cont=w) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: w <- gwindow("having fun?") sb <- gstatusbar("Your message here...", cont=w) g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE) f <- function(h,...) message(h$obj$get_value()) l <- list(file=gaction("file", handler=function(h,...) print("file"), key.accel="<Control-x><Control-s>", parent=w), ok=gaction("ok", icon="ok", handler=function(h,...) print("ok")), radio=list( rb=gradio(state.name[1:3], parent=w, handler=function(h,...) print(h$obj$get_value())) ) sep=gseparator(vertical=TRUE), ,cb=gcheckbox("really", parent=w, handler=function(h,...) print(h$obj$get_value())) ) mlist <- list(File=l) mb <- gmenu(mlist, cont=w) ## End(Not run)
Spinbutton class
... |
passed to constructor |
is the base class for a status barThe GStatusBar
class inherits for
meaning it can be used as a parent
container. As such, one can add additional widgets beyond
the plain label that is the main property of this widget.
... |
passed to constructor |
is the base class for toolbarsThe toolbar is a container, so can have other widgets added to it
as though it were a box container. Buttons should be added as
action items, so that they are rendered in the proper style. Check
buttons should be given the argument use.togglebutton
. Use
to right align items.
... |
passed to constructor |
Helper to add a gaction item
Helper to add a separator
Map a toolbar list, a named list of gaction items or gsepartor items
Clear toolbar items
What widget do we use for the parent of the children
set_value(value, ...)
We can't really adjust spacing between children after they have been positioned.
Gives visual difference to data based on its class
gwidgets2_tcltk_column_alignment(x) ## Default S3 method: gwidgets2_tcltk_column_alignment(x) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' gwidgets2_tcltk_column_alignment(x) ## S3 method for class 'logical' gwidgets2_tcltk_column_alignment(x)
gwidgets2_tcltk_column_alignment(x) ## Default S3 method: gwidgets2_tcltk_column_alignment(x) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' gwidgets2_tcltk_column_alignment(x) ## S3 method for class 'logical' gwidgets2_tcltk_column_alignment(x)
x |
column data to align |
anchor string
Gives chance to do more than as.character
gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## Default S3 method: gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'factor' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'integer' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'Date' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x)
gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## Default S3 method: gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'factor' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'integer' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'numeric' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'Date' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' gwidgets2_tcltk_format_to_char(x)
x |
object to format to character class |
object of character class with possible formatting.
Like a list, but has some methods. Completely superflous, but
makes copying some code algorithms easier. We implement methods
such as append
, push
, pop
and each
iteration. As well, there are some lookup methods.
... |
passed to constructor |
TRUE if name is key in array
return list
each(FUN, ...)
Iterator for lists, like sapply, but FUN gets passed index, key, and value
Reset array, return contents as list
get item under name
Return an id, or name, for an object
Get item by index
insert(x, name, index)
Insert item into List with 0 the head and index=len() the tail
pluck(id, FUN, ...)
Like ext.pluck. Returns array with 'id' extracted from each item in the List
pop last element of list
push(x, name)
Append x with optional name. If name not specified new id created. Returns name
make a calendar...
makeCalendar(date_var, widget, date, date_format = "%Y-%m-%d", set_value)
makeCalendar(date_var, widget, date, date_format = "%Y-%m-%d", set_value)
date_var |
var |
widget |
var |
date |
var |
date_format |
var |
set_value |
var from chron with slight change to arguments |